Rachel Gray, Digital Lead, Consumer Marketing, WRAP
Ben Patten, Founder, Good Club
Summary: In recent years countless surveys have shown that shoppers are concerned about the environmental impact of the packaging they receive as they buy the products they want. This data states that shoppers would consider refill as an option to reduce packaging. But do citizens really want to change the way they shop? Has the industry set up refill option in a way that encourages this new way of shopping? WRAP presents insights and a case study from working with Asda and Unilever to encourage shoppers to use refill zones, and Good Club presents how refills can work for home delivery. Ben, Founder of Good Club asks: What are the different refill formats (e.g., refill/prefill), their respective opportunities and limitations, and how might that change over time? Are consumers reluctant to change, or do they just need help?