Welcome Mr Wei-Hsing Chien to the DEVI design team as a Senior Product Architect.
Guangzhou DEVI Co., Ltd.

Welcome Mr Wei-Hsing Chien to the DEVI design team as a Senior Product Architect.

Mr Qianrelied on his strong practical experience to accurately optimise the structure of a client's perfume bottle. This act saved the client up to $10,000 in costs.


Please join me in welcoming Mr Wei-Hsing Chien to the DEVI design team as a Senior Product Architect. We are delighted that he has chosen DEVI!

Mr Qian Weixing has 15 years of experience in product structure design. Before joining the DEVI team, he held senior engineer positions in some of the world’s top 100 companies. He is not only proficient in transforming design ideas into sophisticated engineering drawings, but also specialises in enhancing the performance and user experience of perfume packaging through innovative structural design.

We are thrilled to have the addition of Wei-Hsing Chien, who brings invaluable knowledge and experience to DEVI’s design department. His professional experience will be a valuable asset to our team as we continue to expand and face the challenges of new projects.

Just after joining the company, Qian Weixing relied on his strong practical experience to accurately optimise the structure of a client’s perfume bottle. This act not only demonstrated his problem-solving ability, but also directly saved the client up to $10,000 in costs, which is a very encouraging result.

We are confident that the addition of Wei-Hsing Chien will propel DEVI’s production department to new heights, and his professionalism will help us better meet our customers’ customisation needs. Once again, we would like to extend a warm welcome to you, and we look forward to working with you on your journey to success!